What follows is an example of a fresh sheet of wool being pulled over the public’s eyes by major media before they see through the unraveling wool that was already there. A feature story on The CBS Evening News with Katie Couric yesterday reported an “official” conclusion that Vitamin E and Selenium supplementation are ineffective in preventing prostate cancer. The conclusion represents the findings of the SELECT trial, a $114 million project funded by the National Cancer Institute. The story stated that the researchers “had hoped” the study would show that vitamin E and selenium prevented prostate cancer. However, the researchers told the 35,000 people who participated in the 5-year study, to “stop taking the pills.” The findings were characterized by Eric Klein, M.D., of the Cleveland Clinic, as “a huge disappointment in the field of cancer prevention.”
Disappointment indeed.
Prostate cancer can be prevented, as well as cured, without removing one’s prostate, and without the pharmaceuticals generally administered today. Prostate removal is presently irreversible and thankfully, non-transplantable. Perhaps it could be transplanted, but who’d want a “used prostate?”
I’m not a doctor, or health care practitioner whatsoever. So don’t take these brash statements from me. In fact, dismiss me, but don’t dismiss the truth when you hear it, no matter who it comes from. Check what I’m saying out for yourself and see if it’s true. There are men walking around who still have their prostate and don’t have cancer, after being diagnosed with it. Typically, they refused standard medical treatment.
I’m not suggesting that the researchers were wrong about vitamin E and selenium, as they used it. However, I am suggesting that they were not trying to either prevent or cure cancer. This is part of the “research” that the public is asked to continue funding, to the tune of billions of dollars each year to find “the cure” for cancer, when in fact, no such thing is actually being sought.
What would these people do if we simply got rid of cancer (and heart disease, strokes, and diabetes) as completely and conclusively as we did polio? What would that do, not only to the population rate, but to the economy, and Social Security, if more people lived longer with their health, as opposed to in dis-ease?
My issue with this report, and with the study itself, was that cancer abatement wasn’t the goal. Studying the supplements’ effects was the lone objective. Selenium and vitamin E are not the “silver bullets” that the researchers want you to believe they are looking for. The body uses both of them (when they occur in natural form) for very specific reasons, just as it uses others that weren’t mentioned, such as magnesium, zinc, and others. However, the body employs many other factors, beyond vitamins and minerals, including amino acids, enzymes and various forms of microorganisms to maintain, or restore our health.
What the researchers did not do, was to assess and address the toxicity factor in the 35,000 member study group, thereby leading the public to believe that perhaps they had factored in all variables, so as to isolate the change that could be reasonably expected by their selected dosage of vitamin E and selenium.
This mentality completely dismisses the biochemical environments in which the supplements were placed. It presumes that the 35,000 individuals were one statistical biochemical environment, when in fact, there were 35,000 different environments. Within that pool, the one common factor that could be assumed, was that any who were at a risk for prostate cancer, or who eventually got it, had a biochemical constitution that was too acidic. Cancer cell growth goes hand-in-hand with acute and profound acidity in places that should normally be alkaline.
It is a known fact that cancerous tissues proliferate in an acidic, anaerobic (meaning oxygen depleted) chemical “atmosphere.” Dr. Otto Heinrich Warbug won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1931 for his conclusive research in the metabolism of tumors and the respiration of cells and “discovery of the nature and mode of action of the respiratory enzyme.” His research also proved that said cells, which don’t need oxygen for “food,” do instead feed on sugar.
I’ll bet the 35,000 people in the SELECT study didn’t have their oxygen levels monitored (or corrected), or curb their sugar intake, because neither oxygen nor sugar were being studied, nor was curing cancer. Validating or invalidating vitamin E and selenium was the goal, and given the conclusions that the study came up with, it appears that invalidation was the real purpose.
Researchers found that patients who took selenium alone were more likely to get diabetes, while those who took vitamin E alone had a higher rate of prostate cancer. The story said that “researchers believe the increases may just be due to chance.”
Chance indeed.
These findings were considered “concerning, but not statistically significant.” The study was seeking to show a 25% reduction rate… another indicator of just how low their expectation are, and they didn’t achieve that.
The story will be published in the January 2009 edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).
In 2008, 186,000 new cases of prostate cancer was projected, with almost 29,000 deaths. Men 55 years of age or older, African American men, and men whose father or brother had prostate cancer, are considered the highest risk groups.
The SELECT trial also received monies from the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, an arm of the National Institutes of Health. It’s interesting that two of the stories under their “News and Highlights” headline present information that discredits what might be considered “complementary or alternative” supplements.
What is missing from all this reporting on the effectiveness, or ineffectiveness of the treatments, as well as the risk factors, is the total absence of meaningful information about the true causative factors to physiological diseases, which are far simpler than the public is led to think. The end result of the CBS story, was to be skeptical of selenium and vitamin E. Yet, both are indeed vital to human health. However, their viability can’t be considered in an isolated vacuum, which is the only environment wherein present medical practices can even appear to be viable. That’s why they guard against making and reporting meaningful comparisons and evaluations.
When you understand the simple connection between chemicalization, toxification, and malnourishment, which leads to oxygen (i.e., energy) depletion and possible carcinogenesis (with diabetes, stroke, heart disease, and other steps along the way), versus chemical and toxin removal, nutritional infusion, oxygen (energy) replenishment and return to normalcy, then it becomes clear that selenium and vitamin E are not the issue, but taking all measures to restore the body’s biochemical atmosphere to an ecologically balanced state.
But then, if that was done, and prostate, and the many other forms of cancer went away, what would all those researchers do with their free time?
Frankly, I don’t care. I’d rather see people healthy and well, than sick and studied.